Thursday 11 February 2021

Ireland Has Most UFO Sightings in Europe, Including 'Unnerving' Reports Last Year - LMFM Radio

This article on Irish UFOs focusses on the Southern 26 counties; whereas a previous one detailed Northern Ireland's events. Kelly O'Sullivan says "Ireland seems to be the hub of UFO activity in Europe," and proceeds to explain why. A case from a country far outpacing The Emerald Isle is Argentina: UFO Reported Over the City of Roque Perez. Mario Bustamante describes the very odd-looking object and gives some of Roque Perez' "long history of involvement with UFOs." Paul Seaburn's title highlights the current UFO's uncharacteristic appearance. "Inverted Walnut" UFO Seen By Multiple Witnesses in Argentine UFO Hotspot adds to the story and another translation of the present sighting particulars. There's more mystery about our last "UFO" report as Tobias and Emily Wayland say a Musician Deletes Footage of "UFO" Captured from Airplane Window. The video was picked up by another source before the videographer erased it, and the Waylands are following up on the matter. (WM)

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