Thursday 11 February 2021

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Pterodactyl of New Guinea - Ancient Origins

As humans we have a history of trying to stay alive while creatures with pointier teeth and bigger appetites eye us like menu options. It's not surprising then then that this same history is rife with folklore describing reptiles that fly. (The better to hunt you, My Dear.) In New Guinea, however, these stories aren't just fairy tales. Reports of flying creatures matching the description of pterodactyls (including their little known quality of bioluminesence) continue to this day. Some of the most compelling evidence for the continued existence of pterosaurs comes from the hand-carved Tami bowls for which New Guinea is known, often depictingĂ‚ human figures and animals, including creatures that look alarmingly like prehistoric flying reptiles. That news makes this next story of a winged humanoid less jarring somehow. Reports from the Void: 'It Had the Body of a Human, But It Had Wings' comes from Pennsylvania in October 2020. Witnesses describe a dark figure scaling a fence at about 2 am and dropping to the ground, followed by rustling sounds indicating it was crawling closer to the group observing it. Upon returning inside (which seemed a better option than outside), and looking out the window, one witness saw the humanoid figure spread its wings and fly off into the night. Granted, the entire report feels a bit sketchy. Why would something with wings climb over a fence like a common burglar? But reports of flying humanoids just keep coming in, so who are we to say? (CM)

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