Sunday 7 February 2021

Can Talking To Plants Help Us Talk To Aliens? - Mysterious Universe

Doctor Doolittle was all about talking with the animals, squeaking and squawking with the animals, but Krissy Eliot is thinking outside of the box, or planter. Talking to plants might sound like crazy-talk but Saskia von Diest says she's done it, and waxes poetic on the nature of consciousness its intersection with SETI. In the meantime, it's best for humanity to brush up on its communication skills after Scientists Have Taught Spinach To Send Emails and it could warn us about climate change. Good one, Marthe de Ferrer, but humans aren't listening to scientists so what makes you think we'll listen to spinach? For what it's worth, there's quite a lot spinach can relate which often eludes our crude, ape-like senses. (CS)

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