Wednesday 10 February 2021

'A Traveler from an Antique Land' - Herald Tribune

The best sources for UFO data are arguably those registered by scientific means outside of the human sensory system. But Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb's scientific support for 'Oumuamua's origin draws heavy criticism from the scientific community. Why? Loeb's proposition of 'Oumuamua-as-light-sail, in Loeb's new book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth. Billy Cox lavishly praises the book, pans the critics, and urges Loeb to "step up" to the UFO controversy. Loeb and Kevin Randle discuss the theory in Dr. Abraham Loeb, MADAR and Chain of Evidence. Kevin brings up the Multiple Anomaly Detection & Automated Recording (MADAR) Project founded by Fran Ridge, which Kevin believes could provide raw data for Loeb should he choose to take that step. There's considerable photography--and other types of scientific data acquisition--behind the interview Beyond Humanity - Researching the Lights of the Hessdalen Valley -- Erling Strand. But the work Strand and others have been doing for decades has produced no final conclusions about the phenomenon/a. Miguel ("Red Pill Junkie") Romero offers Searching for Saucers: Here's a List of Scientifically-oriented UFO Projects, Strand's effort included. (WM)

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