Monday 22 February 2021

A Miracle 70,000 People Saw: the Movie - Consciousness Unbound

Michael Grosso reviews a 2020 movie entitled Fatima about the 1917 visions of the Virgin Mary by three Portuguese children whose message of faith raised doubts in their family and angered authorities. Grosso points out that the filmmakers completely overlooked the culminating experience of the Virgin Mary's visitations, the October 13 "Miracle of the Sun," which was witnessed by 70,000 people: the sun was described as a"disk" which made a terrifying descent toward the crowd and then ascended back up in the sky in a zig zag motion, characteristic of some UFO reports. Grosso has more to say about this event in his new book Smile of the Universe (Anomalist Books). You might say the people were mesmerized, which brings up Mesmerize: The 18th Century Medical Craze Behind the Word, an NPR Science Diction interview with author Emily Ogden, associate English professor at the University of Virginia, who took a deep (skeptical) dive into the subject of mesmerism in her new book Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism. (PH)

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