Friday 19 February 2021

2nd Bigfoot Encounter Reported in Bidwell Park, Chico, CA - Phantoms and Monsters

This first of three stories from Lon Strickler story is the second squatchy report out of Bidwell Park in Chico, California, and takes place in the autumn of 2020. The witness described a very large, tall biped covered in long grey hair running out of the area. Sounds like Bigfoot had heard about the pandemic, too...Next we have 3 Bigfoot Encounter Accounts: Colorado, Texas & British Columbia. The title pretty much says it all, although in one of the instances a witness almost came between a Bigfoot and his venison dinner, which we suspect would have been a Bad Thing. This last report makes you wonder if the three hairy men were making travel plans over Christmas because just after the holiday this past year 3 Bigfoot Recently Observed Along I-80 West of Lake Tahoe, California. An adult and two juvenile hairy bipeds were spotted near the top of a snow covered hill. A photo of that would have made an amazing Christmas card, dontcha think? (CM)

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