Friday 22 January 2021

UFOs and the Psychic Universe - Consciousness Unbound

We're constantly reminded that the "UFO Phenomenon" is largely the story of human reactions to a stimulus, whatever that source may be. Dr. Michael Grosso, author of the recent book Smile of the Universe: Miracles in an Age of Disbelief (Anomalist Books), argues that "As our minds change so does our world." He then offers some new "points that for me represent new ways of looking at the world"--examples of "high strangeness." David Halperin premieres an upcoming academic publication on different ways of looking at this world informed by UFO belief in "Handbook of UFO Religions" - "Judaism and the UFO". Halperin summarizes his contributory chapter and promises future posts describing other chapters. "Cosmic Ray" Keller focuses upon a specific collision of UFOs and the mind in Beware of Flying Saucer Cults. Keller seems to think the stories and career of George Adamski were rather perverted into cultic followings, most notably in the "UFO Education Center," as Keller describes. (WM)

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