Current UFO news includes the belated recognition by mainstream media sources that Something Unusual Happened in the recently-passed and signed Covid-19 relief and spending bill. As its title and first sentence indicate, this foreign perspective hasn't much background in the subject and its stated expectations of "all the information" are wildly unrealistic. CNN Producer Harmeet Kaur's
US Intelligence Agencies Have 180 Days to Share What They Know about UFOs, Thanks to the Covid-19 Relief and Spending Bill has more information and a short video. Among recent aerial anomalies is Allyson Blair's
FAA Notified after Large Blue UFO Seen above Oahu Appeared to Drop into Ocean. The December 29th sighting generated multiple videos and straightforward local coverage. As of Paul Seaburn's January 4th article on this matter, the
FAA Can't Explain Blue UFO Falling Into the Ocean Near Oahu. Paul complains about the apparent lack of follow-up by authorities. Lastly, Peter Robbins shares the heartbreaking news that
Angelia Joiner Has Died. The woman who bravely reported on the 2008 Stephenville Texas events passed away at age 59, one day after her husband, both victims of the COVID-19 virus. (WM)
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