Kevin Randle's musings about a CEIII featuring a fly-eyed alien, "the exposure of Area 51," and Oumuamua begin a Ufological spirited commentary foursome. Kevin promises an upcoming interview with Dr. Avi Loeb, Oumuamua's biggest promoter as an "Arthur Clarkeian"
Rendezvous with Rama probe. Nick Redfern challenges us with
Why the Roswell Affair Wasn't Extraterrestrial -- Deal With it or Live in La La Land. Nick throws out and then tries to bind together some odd bits of information; his two books on the subject of course have much more material. Rich Reynolds is similarly worked up but on a different topic in
Orbs? Who Cares? Rich doesn't want to include the phenomena in the "UFOs" category--and he's very likely correct. Lack of an agreed-upon, standardized definition stymies progress in the field. Rich articulates feelings about
A Couple of Things.... more, including Oumuamua, Michael Masters' time-traveling UFO book, and defending Nick Pope against his detractors. (WM)
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