Thursday 21 January 2021

Scientists Think the Multiverse Might Be the Key to Explaining Dark Matter - Vice

Every few minutes, the powerful Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii takes a dazzling picture of the entire Andromeda Galaxy so astronomers and physicists the world over can analyze it for unidentified and theoretical objects. The Primordial Black Hole, or "PBH," is a bubbling blossom of a baby universe (rather than a conventional collapsed star) forged in the ultra dense heat of the Big Bang. A new study of light signatures in the telescope data suggests PBHs scattered throughout the universe could account for all that excess "dark matter" gravity mysteriously emitting its influence on the stars. The scientists also speculate that the universe inside a PBH could look eerily like our own view of the cosmos. Coincidentally, ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’: A New Documentary on the Idea We Might Be Living in a Simulation releases February 5th, promising to explore the peculiar phenomenon of computer-generated alternative worlds and the déjà vu sensation of madness in the multiverse. (MS)

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