Saturday 23 January 2021

Pennsylvania Man Recalls Alien Abductions During Childhood

A Pennsylvania man recalls several alien abduction scenarios that he experienced as a child. He later underwent hypnotic regression.

The following account, which was part of a report and a later regressive hypnosis session, was forwarded to me by a researcher:

This original incident occurred in 1992 in McKean County, Pennsylvania. The witness, a young boy who later recalled the event, woke up to get a glass of water. He returned to his room to find a "wavy blue vortex" from which a voice asked, "Do you want to go with us?" He agreed and felt a tingling static sensation then found himself on what appeared to be a polished marble surface. A female alien being (with breasts) greeted him in a soft feminine voice with, "Hello (name withheld) it is nice to see you again." She was about 4 feet tall with milky white skin, a small nose, no lips (he believes), and almond shaped eyes that were slightly larger than a human's. He was led up a staircase to a hall about 12 feet wide and in to an area with 12 beds, 6 on each side of the room. One bed was empty. There were hybrid (he believes) children with medium gray skin in the beds and several were jumping on the beds. A clearly annoyed adult alien being told them to stop jumping.

The female alien, who was escorting him, gave him a medallion like one she was wearing and told him she was going to help him increase his mental powers. She told him to concentrate on her inner self. She then passed through what appeared to be a solid concrete block. She then instructed him to try. He was able to go only part way through and she had to pull him out. She told him to try again and the second time he was successful. She told him that he had mastered it faster than she did. She took back the medallion.

She next led him through a door that opened by sliding up. There he met a male alien being who was taller than the female and had "high cheek bones." The witness states that the male was holding back his emotions. There were windows in this part of the craft and he could see out into space. There were also controls of some type in this room. He could see through a window in the floor into an area with a machine which he believes was the teleportation device. The craft was a disk and the size of "4 aircraft carries end-to-end."

An older alien being entered and said it was time to leave. Everyone became sad. He woke up in his bed neatly tucked in. No one had ever tucked him in before.

When he was a few years older, he saw the same type of craft and said that when it ascended, it was gone in the blink of an eye. He stated that they have craft the size of small planets and that some draw plasma off our Sun for fuel.

On one occasion, he was shown a vision in which he saw 4 disk shaped craft and hangars as if on a military base. There was a crowd of people who all appeared to be in a trance state walking into a craft. He pretended to be in a trance also and boarded with them. Inside there was a bench on the wall and happy gray children sitting on it swinging their feet. Several old alien beings approached him and asked, "Do you want to come with us or stay here?" He said he wanted to go with them and they were surprised. Then the vision ended.

When he was in his mid teens he had a vision of being taken to a beautiful planet where it was very bright, though it did not hurt his eyes. He felt a powerful sense of peace. The houses appeared to be made of an Adobe-like substance. There was one building that was made of bricks that looked something like a college. It had a tower reminiscent of Big Ben. He was told that this is where they receive knowledge and store things from other planets.

On another occasion, he remembers military doctors operating on his head. A Reptilian male told them to stop because the boy was in pain.

The witness is now in his late 20s. He has Celtic and Native American (Iroquois) ancestry. After his first experience, he felt "different." He has short term memory problems and states that he often feels that he is different ages, mostly older than his years. He has had chronic nose bleeds and his right nostril is difficult to breath through. He has a cousin who has had some experiences that seem to mirror his, but he has not gone through an official investigation or regression. TO

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