Thursday 21 January 2021

3 Bigfoot Recently Observed Along I-80 West of Lake Tahoe, California - Phantoms and Monsters

Three Bigfoot reports today, all from Lon Strickler. First up is a typical family drive made far less than typical as a family notices two young bears and an adult bear just off the highway. A few seconds later they realize they aren't looking at bears but at bipedal hairy hominids. They kept driving and stayed out of trouble, unlike this next story where Hiker Experiences Rock-Throwing & Wood Knocks in New River Gorge, WV. And follows the rock throwing and wood knocks. Evidently no one told him that when Bigfoot throw rocks they aren't inviting you for a visit. So in addition to this warning to avoid anything in the woods that throws rocks at you, we have this Cautionary Tale: Hoaxing Bigfoot. A young man making some extra bucks dressing up as a gorilla and waving real estate signs thought it would make an excellent adventure to run through the woods in that costume and scare hikers. And boy scouts. Although the scouts were an unintentional diversion, it got the young fool arrested and fined, and quite possibly grounded for the rest of his natural life. (CM)

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