Tuesday, 15 December 2020

The Werewolf of Northumberland, Pennsylvania

The is the tale of the Northumberland Werewolf. It was believed, by the local people, that an old hermit was a shapeshifting wolfman after he was shot one night.

The following tale has been around for over a century and a half:

The area around Northumberland, Pennsylvania has had its share of strange occurrences over the years. In particular, the Todd Sees possible UFO abduction & subsequent death case. But there is also an older story from the mid-1800s that involves a possible 'werewolf.' 

The early German farming communities throughout Pennsylvania were plagued by wolf attacks on their livestock. Young May Paul lived on a modest farm with her reserved family near Northumberland, PA. May's major responsibilities on the farm included herding and tending to the family's sheep. The young lady was very well liked throughout the tiny community and had no trouble making friends. However she quietly caught the attention of an elder gentleman whom everyone was fearful of. He would often be seen following the young lady around town, as well as watching her from afar as she tended to the flocks. Their kinship seemed strange and disturbing to many individuals, though never seemed to cross any boundaries.

As strange occurrences began to happen on surrounding farms, the Paul family farm seemed to stay safe. Wolf attacks on the surrounding sheep herds were becoming common place. Onslaughts were being reported in broad daylight, yet the Paul family stayed safe from any encounters and didn't suffer one casualty.

Due to all the recent attacks on the docile creatures, bounties were being paid out for hunters who could produce a dead corpse.

Late one evening a nearby neighbor spotted the glowing eyes of a wolf being lit by the full moon. The man quickly retrieved his rifle and let off a fiery blast. The yelp and cries from the wolf echoed for acres. Feeling content that the predator was taken care of, the man retired for the evening. The following day, early dawn the man trudged through his land until he found a trail of blood. Through the thicket of trees he followed the crimson trail until he came upon the body of the elder gentleman. The man laid dead from a single gunshot wound to the abdomen.

When the community got wind of what had happened, locals immediately branded the hermit a werewolf. Hadn’t he always been strange and secretive, living alone, and keeping to himself? They buried his body in the dirt floor of his cabin, christening the spot Die Woolf Man’s Grob, which translated means “The Wolfman’s Grave.”

Strangely enough May Paul never had a single sheep perish due to a wolf attack, even though quite often a large gray wolf would be seen menacing about the perimeters of her property, staring so ominously at the woman from afar.

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Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Jerry Ayres | Supernatural & Paranormal Investigations Minnesota | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Dec.18.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Jerry Ayres of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota to Arcane Radio on December 18th 2020. Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota, also known as The SIM Crew, was established in early 2010. They have completed over 60 paranormal investigations, 2 bigfoot expeditions, and many town hall meetings they call Supernatural Conversations. They also host public investigations, and also periodically teach Ghost Hunting 101, a well received class on how to investigate the paranormal. Jerry Ayres has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child growing up in Bemidji, Minnesota. He has had several of spiritual events happen in his life. After all these years of investigating the paranormal, he found that he has psychic abilities that are getting stronger with time. Jerry is also a 'smoke reader' and host of a weekly radio show called The Calling Radio Show. For more on Jerry Ayres and SIM visit their website - https://bit.ly/3a7cL7M

Join us this Friday, December 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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