Saturday, 12 December 2020

Army Officer's Secret Journal Could Offer New Clues about the UFO Crash in Roswell in 1947 - Live Science

Yet another Roswell program will be buttressed this time with what appears to be a new primary source. It's an exaggeration to say the Roswell press release said "We have a spacecraft," and the three F/A-18 videos that have amped up UFO interest and respectability weren't recorded "in 2017 and 2018," but otherwise this article sets the stage and gives one reason to want to watch the upcoming three-part History series commencing today. Three Marcel descendants tell Newsweek that 'Our Grandfather Was the First Person to Investigate the Roswell Crash Site in 1947'. Skeptics will note that Jesse Marcel Sr's story grew larger as the kids grew older, but this reminds us that UFO cases involve people, and often their families, too. Kevin Randle covers This and That and the Jesse Marcel Journal. Kevin, who along with Don Schmitt, Tom Carey, and others were involved in the programs, strengthens the viewing case. Kevin also successfully promos his continuing work on the Vietnam War--something that should interest more than just those of us who lost friends and/or family in that conflict. (WM)

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