Meaningful coincidence? A misapprehension or natural phenomenon? Like the rest of us, Michael Grosso must negotiate his path through Life, and we might reflect upon how we have integrated our own odd experiences. Nirmal Narayanan's
UFOs Return to California: Cigar-shaped Flying Vessels in Night Skies Spark Alien Debate posts a December 23rd video he says has spawned an intense debate between skeptics and "conspiracy theorists." Huh.
Mexico: Anomalies in the Sky over Todo Santos, Baja California offers a named photographer and folks with some UFO-hunting experience. On the other hand, it comes from "folks with some UFO-hunting experience," and the other "important UFO case" mentioned in this
Inexplicata article seems a bit sketchy. In closing, Paul Seaburn has noted an article we reported on the 10th. Paul's
An Extraterrestrial Religion's Take on Christmas--Holodeck the Halls? In typical Seaburnian fashion, he gives more background to the story and "in the spirit of the season" adds Paul's particular style of commentary. (WM)
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