Monday 19 October 2020

The Incredible Extent to Which Ufologists Have Been Deceived - Mysterious Universe

The headline foreshadows four vigorous Nick Redfern opinion pieces. Nick firstly capstones previous Redfern offerings detailing examples of UFO community gullibility at the hands of "saucer spies" (see Nick's book on that subject On the Trail of the Saucer Spies, published by Anomalist Books, which covers part of their antics). In the present effort Nick expounds upon the purpose of the decades-long manipulation, in the process demolishing the "Serpo" hoax and suggesting a possible real, but chilling, UFO actuality (scrutinized in Nick's Final Events and the Secret Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife, also available through Anomalist Books). Nick then pivots to The Rendlesham Forest "UFO" Affair: The 40th Anniversary in Two Months Time. Nick shows that the Forest has a long and literally storied history of weirdness, some of whose monstrous animal versions he here reveals. Having suggested in the foregoing that ufology has been tainted by governmental hijinks and that historically creepy places might be great locales for clandestine human activities, Nick next presents Rendlesham Forest: Surrounded by Military Secrets for Decades, putting a bow on his controversial claim that the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident was a human, not extra-human, incident. But Wait, There's More revisionism on the plate, as Nick proceeds to THE iconic UFO event in explaining Why I Continue to Conclude That Aliens Did NOT Crash Near Roswell in 1947. Again, locations and previous and then-current events lend credence to a bombshell Redfernian theory. (WM)

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