Tuesday 6 October 2020

The Coyne Encounter: Near Collision With A UFO - Micah Hanks Podcasts

Micah Hanks draws interesting similarities between a classic 1973 helicopter/UFO case and both the Australian Frederick Valentich disappearance of 1978 and the 2004 Nimitz "Tic Tac" naval engagement. The headline topic begins a little after 35 minutes into the podcast, whose first segments deal with current news and Hanks' justified railing at Wikipedia suppressing paranormal interests in its biographies of noted persons. There's much to be learned about the 1950s and '60s contactees from Hanks' next offering Cult Of The Saucer: Contactees And Visitors From Venus, which begins at about a half-hour into the podcast. In particular, Hanks discusses "Valiant Thor," as well as Frank Stranges and George King and their possible FBI connections. (WM)

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