Tuesday 6 October 2020

Stan Gordon Interview - The Paracast

Veteran paranormal researcher and raconteur Stan Gordon discusses things UFO and cryptid with Gene Steinberg and Randall Murphy. Stan's been at it in Pennsylvania since 1965 and provides a hugely entertaining cavalcade of truly spooky cases. Stan notes a connection with high-power energy sources for UFOs, "Bigfeet," and other cryptids. Jason Guillemette's dialogue with Christopher O'Brien Researcher, Expert, Author also produces some very noteworthy revelations. Chris suggests that 9 of 10 cases of cattle mutilations are not reported and may have several different causes, just as with UFO and cryptid phenomena. Chris also says the lack of blood noted in "cattle mute" cases is not necessarily that strange; in some instances investigators should have just "turned the carcasses over" as gravity pulls blood down in deceased animals. He's also got interesting things to say about the presence of magnetite near a site, and how truly to investigate a "mute" case. There's also discussion of Chris' UFODAP project, which is collaborating with the similar UFODATA project to track and analyze anomalous aerial events. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3nlXTq8

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