Wednesday 7 October 2020

Secret Government Files Show County UFO Reports - Ludlow Advertiser

The release of "previously confidential Government files" of UFO reports made between 1997 and 2009 continues to evoke local reference in England, as in Adrian Kibbler's example for Worcestershire. Rather to the northeast, Two Residents from Different Parts of Grimsby Report Strange Sighting in Sky above Town in a recent, possibly related pair of photographed sightings. Paige Freshwater asks readers "What do you think?" about the "strange lights" above this North East Lincolnshire seaport city. Back in the U.S.A., the Curator of Loudonville, Ohio's Cleo Redd Fisher Museum reports that the Coyne Incident over Charles Mill Lake was Most Credible UFO Sighting of 1973. Kenny Libben's straightforward treatment of the October 18th near-miss accepts the Center for UFO Studies' designation for an incident that headlined our October 6th offerings. (WM)

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