Tuesday 13 October 2020

Scientists Call for Serious Study of 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena' - Space

This article is a straightforward, totally serious approach to the UFO/UAP problem. Leonard David's expert comments and discussion of options for solving the conundrum are nearly free of the almost-mandatory, traditional silliness about "little green men" and negative characterizations of "UFO believers." And there's nary a "debunker" in sight. One Russian Cosmonaut Believes Humans Will Be Met by Other Life on Mars. Well, probably not a "UFO-jockey" per Paul Seaburn, but Oleg Artemyev makes a good case for "reverse-panspermia," because we never can get anything totally clean. Unfortunately, some take the alien-meetup thought process to its most extreme, as Griffin Connolly says President Trump Appears to Threaten Aliens with 'Military the Likes of Which We've never had Before'. What the POTUS said about hearing something only "two days ago" about UFOs (or the "UFO task force?") doesn't make sense. And of course, if you're going to mix it up with ETs, whatever you've got should be something "the likes of which They've never had before." (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/372lhTK

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