Wednesday 7 October 2020

Religious Miracles - New Thinking Allowed

Jeffery Mishlove interviews philosopher Michael Grosso about a variety of paranormal events that have been reported to occur in a religious context, including statues or images that weep or bleed, instantaneous healings, apparitions of the madonna, levitation, and Hindu puja offerings of milk that disappear. The evidence, Grosso argues, suggests that these things actually did occur, and are on the same spectrum as paranormal events that occur outside of a religious context. Grosso is the author of the recent book on the subject Smile of the Universe: Miracles in an Age of Disbelief (Anomalist Books). Elsewhere Mary Rose Barrington and Psychokinesis is an interview with Farusha on the Shattered Reality Podcast discussing the JOTT phenomenon, the subject of her penultimate book JOTT: When Things Disappear... and Come Back or Relocate รข€“ and Why It Really Happens, also published by Anomalist Books. Mary Rose was both a solicitor and a barrister in Great Britain as well as a President of the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research. She died in February at the age of 94. An Obituary by Sofia Weaver appears in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. (PH)

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