Saturday 17 October 2020

Mutual Detectability — A Targeted SETI Strategy That Avoids The SETI Paradox - Astrobiology

Folks are still wondering "Where is everyone" and Eamonn Kerins reckons its due to humanity's shotgun approach to eavesdropping on other stars. With a burgeoning menagerie of potentiallly-habitable exoplanets aligned with Earth, Eamonn outlines something so simple and revolutionary that it should've been done long ago. Over at the Physics arXiv Blog is a bit more detail on how Game Theory Focuses the Hunt for Alien Civilizations Onto Just One Star and Eamonn's target. Another paradox which has us scratching our heads is why people care what Elon Musk thinks in the first place. Well Amanda Kooser does, but she's paid to do so, and reports Elon Musk Has 'Seen No Evidence Of An Advanced Civilization Visiting Earth'. Brilliant! Because they'd be littering Space-Pepsi cans everywhere, staining the ground with phlebotinum from their leaky stardrives, and maybe forgetting they left one of their kids behind. We warned ya, so click if you dare to hear Elon wax poetic about the non-existence of UFOs. (CS)

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