Friday 2 October 2020

Mentions of Edgar Mitchell in Jacques Vallee's Diaries - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Scientific Research

Australian researcher Keith Basterfield has dug into original sources pertinent to recent ufological enthusiasms. Here he mines Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science" diaries. Keith's found background to the "Wilson/Davis notes," and one entry in particular notes Mitchell's belief that "there is a secret group, a spinoff from the U.S. government, with access to captured technology." Next, Leik Myrabo - It's a Small World was inspired by Keith's work on a blog about a "secret" McDonnell Douglas project we profiled last week in The McDonnell Douglas UAP Study plus The War Zone article Blasting The Air In Front Of Hypersonic Vehicles With Lasers we reviewed on the 28th. Keith's current piece gives instances of Professor Myrabo's interest "in the details of UFO 'observables'." (WM)

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