Thursday 8 October 2020

Graham Hancock and Brian Muraresku Hunt Ancient Psychedelics on Joe Rogan's Podcast - Jason Colavito's Blog

Jason Colavito has a strong point of view, but his remarks on the headlined discussion seem reasonable, most especially on the alleged contention that 5th-century BC Athenian Bad Boy Alcibiades was attacked for specifically drinking a supposed psychedelic during his profanation of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Ages far more remote are producing discovery and debate, as George Dvorsky tells us that Early Humans Were Using Fire 300,000 Years Ago to Forge Superior Stone Tools. The finding is supported by advanced spectroscopic analysis of material from an Israeli cave, machine learning, and old-fashioned "banging the rocks together" (aka "experimental archaeology"). It supports an earlier technological mastery than traditionally accepted, and suggests that Neanderthals were the technicians. Considering the current pandemic, this next title about a Stunning Bronze Age Statuette with a Tattooed Face and a Bone Mask Found in Siberia caught our attention. It's another example of an unexpected discovery spawning learned speculation. And the University of Reading informs that an Anglo-Saxon Warlord Found by Detectorists Could Redraw Map of Post-Roman Britain. A win-win situation resulting from the collaboration of hobbyist-discoverers and official and academic archaeologists has brought an unsuspected part of British history to light. (WM)

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