Wednesday 7 October 2020

Dogman Encounters in Leonard, Michigan: 'They are real!'

A young woman and her sister in rural Michigan, near Leonard, encounter 2 bizarre canines. After a conversation with a friend, the beasts were most likely Dogman. 

I recently came across this account and conversation between friends:

So my friend "J" was over late last night (August 2020) and we had been talking about paranormal experiences and I brought up the subject of Dogman. She had never heard of Dogman so I put on YouTube and showed her a few videos and then remembered the video where an unknown creature was filmed digging in a cemetery. When she saw the creature in that video she gasped and said "OMG, I wonder if that's what I saw!" I paused it and was like "What?! You've seen something like this and never told me?!" She said she basically saw two werewolves about five years ago on her property, and never brought it up because who would believe that? I asked her to tell me every detail, and I was careful to ask questions that did not lead her in any way. I am familiar with what most witnesses see and, lo and behold, every answer she gave matched what others have seen!

Here's her account:

Location: Leonard, Michigan - a pretty rural area with lots of woods and wildlife. Her and her family have a few acres and raise chickens and ducks as a hobby. Her house is on a dirt road and is surrounded by wooded areas.

I will type out our conversation as accurately as I can, and will also have my friend proofread:

J: This was about 5 years ago (2015), when my dog was a young puppy. My sister and I took her outside to go potty. It was dusk. Getting dark but still plenty of light to see. The pup noticed something and started to slowly walk towards it. We looked to see what she was seeing and to our shock there were two HUGE dogs/wolves on our property about 100 feet away from where we were standing on the porch. Instinctively, I took a few steps forward and scooped up my puppy. My sister and I stared at them. They were on all fours, hunched over eating something. They lifted their heads to look at us, but seemed unbothered, and went back to whatever they were eating. My first thought was I was of curiosity. What the heck we were looking at? I wanted to go closer to see. But that thought was replaced by the realization that this was not safe and I slowly walked backwards (so did my sister) and we went back inside. We locked the doors and windows and asked each other what the hell are those things?! We watched them from the window. They eventually left, in no apparent hurry. I have kind of put that experience out of my mind and almost forgot about it until now.

Me: Did you feel scared or threatened?

J: Not Necessarily. Because of their size and how "wrong" they looked, I felt they could be dangerous. But they never snarled or showed their teeth or did anything aggressive to scare us.

Me: How was your puppy acting?

J: She probably was too young to realize they could be dangerous. She just seemed curious.

Me: What did they look like? Color? Size?

J: One was a dark color, maybe black. The other was a lighter color, like a light brown or tan. They were bigger than any dog we know exists. Bigger than a mastiff even. If they were up on their hind feet they would definitely be much taller than you and I. Probably about 7 feet or taller is my best guess.

Me: What did their fur look like, was it long or short?

J: (She looks at my Pitbull) Definitely not short fur like a Pitbull. (Then looks at my Icelandic Sheepdog) Their fur was longer like hers. Like a wolf or German Shepherd.

Me: Was there any spots on them where their fur was thicker or thinner?

J: They had thicker fur around their a poofy small mane.

Me: What did their ears look like?

J: They were up and pointy, like a wolf.

(At this point I am totally freaking out at how accurately she is describing what others have seen!)

Me: Ok, so far you could just be describing large wolves. But you said they looked "wrong". So what about them made you think they were not just wolves? Did they ever stand or walk on 2 legs?

J: No they were on all fours, but their anatomy wasn't right. While they were hunched over eating, their shoulders were much higher than their rear ends. They didn't look like a normal dog or wolf would look bending forward. Like their front arms were way too long, much longer than their rear legs. And how they were eating was weird. They were using their front paws to help tear apart whatever they were eating and bringing it to their mouths. Like they had hands?

Me: Could you see if they had hands or did it look like dog paws?

J: Honestly I couldn't tell. But what kind of dog or wolf uses paws to bring food to their mouth? The way they moved it was like they had hands. That's what really freaked me out.

(Now I am totally losing my shit. Jumping up and down excited and saying, 'OMG they are real! I knew it!')

Me: Could you see any genitalia? Weird thing to ask, I know, but I am curious.

J: No, nothing obvious.

Me: What did their hind legs look like? Were they straight like a person or did they have the backwards bend like a dog?

J: Like a dog's.

Me: What did their tails look like?

J: (She pauses for a while. I can see her thinking. She gets a look of realization.) They DIDN'T have tails! Omg, that was what really scared me. When they walked away I remember thinking 'OMG, they don't have tails!'

Me: What did you conclude that they were?

J: I didn't. I was freaked out and had no explanation. My best guess was some type of genetically altered wolf or a werewolf.

Me: I would have been obsessed with finding answers if I had seen this. Why did you just put it out of your mind?

J: I really have no clue! Maybe because I couldn't come up with a logical explanation? It was too weird and scary to think about?

We continued talking. She definitely looked freaked out as all these memories came back to her. She asked me questions about what I knew of them. If they attack/what to do, etc. and I told her that if she ever encounters one again to remain calm, and back away slowly just like she did. She brought up firearms (we both are gun owners) and I said all the witnesses who pull a gun on these things get a negative response. I told her how they seem to know what a gun is, and that some people recommend never using a gun on them unless you are absolutely sure they are about to attack you. She said she never had an impulse to draw her weapon, as they were not threatening her or her sister or pup. And that she had the thought of knowing that her pistol would not do much anyhow, other than pissing them off.

On a side note, later that same week, her boyfriend happened to look out a window on the second story and saw a huge white dog in the field near their house. He says he remembered thinking that it was a massive "dog" and that he had never seen it before. (Being in a rural area, they know most of their neighbor's dogs and strays are not common in that area.) He did not give it too much thought, but as we were discussing her sighting he brought it up.

I asked if they found any evidence of what they had been eating or any tracks. The next day they did go out to where they saw the creatures and they did find one clear LARGE canine paw print. I asked if they took a photo and she said she thinks they did, but she can't remember if it was on her sister's phone or hers. Whatever they had been eating was either completely devoured, or they took the remains with them when they left.

As she thought more about it, she remembered that her family had in fact, had a few of their chickens and ducks go missing around that time. But given that their birds are free range and there are normal predators in the area, it was not overly shocking at the time.

She left very late, planning to talk to her sister about it soon and to see what she remembers. I told her not to lead her for answers, and to see if everything matches what J remembers.

She did ask her sister about it this morning and her sister said she didn't have the clearest recollection of them. When J brought up Dogmen, her sister actually said she HAD heard of Dogman online and stopped and said, "Dude. Maybe THAT is what we saw!" One interesting thing that her sister did remember was that she thought they were eating the carcass of a duck or chicken. But their conversation was brief, and I would love to talk to her sister sometime soon to ask my own questions.

J is an honest woman. Very down to earth and genuine. She has never given me a reason to doubt her. She is not an alcoholic or a drug user, and she has never been one to make wild claims or make things up for attention. I believe her story wholeheartedly, and for me - there is no doubt in my mind now that Dogman is in fact, real." QL

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PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube archive has been moved over to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. All future Arcane Radio productions will be posted at 'Beyond Explanation' henceforth. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle


from Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

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