Saturday 10 October 2020

Bizarre Humanoid Encounter on Private Property Near Skinwalker Ranch

Two friends decide to travel to Duchesne County, Utah in order to get away from the city. Little did they know what was waiting for them.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I've lived in Salt Lake City, Utah all of my life. I live in the city but I love the outdoors. During the summer I'm always out hiking with friends or fishing and camping. It's the thing to do. One of my best friends Jack, would always talk to me about his father's property out in Duchesne, UT. They had a few acres with trailers and RV's scattered around this little sandy cliffside that they lived next to that would actually drop you down into Indian Canyon if you were brave enough to trek. He would always tell me about the freedom they had out there. You could go shooting wherever you wanted and do practically anything you wanted.

So in 2017, Jack invited me to go out to his father's property with him. I was really excited to go since I had never actually been out toward Duchesne. The drive there from SLC is about 2 hours, so it's a decent drive. When we arrived I was pleasantly surprised to see his property was exactly as he explained it to me. I loved it and couldn't wait to get out and explore.

We were there for four days just having a ton of fun target shooting and hunting rabbits and snakes. But the last night we were there some really, and I mean really weird sh*t happened to us and I still can not explain to anyone exactly what happened and what I saw. We really just thought we were going on a little vacation to get away from everything, then we would be home and that was that. Yeah...I wrong.

So that last night we were there Jack, his father and I had been drinking and playing poker. We were just having a fun time when Jack and I decide to head up to a trailer where we could just hang out together and reminisce about the old days. We get to the trailer, he has his AK-47 and I'm holding on to his sawed off shotgun. Jack decides to call his girlfriend back in Salt Lake City to see how she was doing and I didn't think anything of it at all until, for some reason while they were on the phone, she had brought up the subject of a Skinwalker. Here we are out in the middle of nowhere and kind of getting creeped out. We told her to cut it out and quit trying to scare us because we had this dumb belief that if you even mentioned a Skinwalker that you would just be stalked by it, even though we knew that they're just myths.

As Jack is speaking with his girlfriend on the phone I'm laying on this half sofa right next to the wide open window on the right side of the trailer. As I look out into the dark I swear to God I was seeing what looked like a person in the distant shrubbery and small trees walking back and forth almost trying to conceal themselves, but not doing a very good job. At this point I tell Jack what I'm seeing and he starts to worry his girlfriend because she's hearing us talk out loud about how we think we're being watched (again this was right after the mentioning of a Wendigo).

Jack gets off the phone with his girlfriend and just now reminds me that the trailer we were in did not have a lock on it. I'm like, 'let's get the f*ck out of here or at least get to a trailer we can lock'. As I'm saying this I notice that the figure had gotten closer to the trailer and I got a better look at "who" or "what" it was. One thing that I saw that I literally have burned into my brain was the things neck. It was way too long to be a normal human. It stretched out and almost caused its head to bob around like a weight on top of a loose spring. Jack wasn't against leaving but mentioned that we would have to go outside where this 'thing' was if we wanted to get anywhere. So we made a very difficult choice.

We only had a small electric lantern that would only illuminate about five or six feet in front of us as we're standing back to back with our weapons in hand literally ready to shoot anything that gets close to us. We just stood back to back and circled around and around as we walked to the other trailer that was about fifty yards away, and during that time we were hysterical. We didn't hear any footsteps following us or anything moving in the distance as we slowly but surely go to the other trailer. This is when this story gets bizarre and still makes me sick just thinking about it.

We finally got to the other trailer that had a lock and we got in and we tried to be as silent as we could. We didn't even want to risk looking out the windows or moving the curtains to give away where we were a t(even though they definitely knew where we were).

About an hour passes and we think we're in the clear. But the next thing we know we are looking at the shadow of this thing or person standing directly in front of the moonlight in front of the curtained window. it was standing completely still, no movement whatsoever. At this point we are about to panic, but as soon as it was there it was gone. We didn't see it move and didn't hear it or anything. We just looked back after a second and it was gone.

The oddest thing happened after this though, I started to hear a pig. Like it was in its pen oinking up a storm and I turned to Jack to ask him if he was hearing the same thing I was. Then we hear this weird disembodied voice come from outside the trailer "OINK!" Not like a pig but a person, but this voice was sinister. Almost like they wanted us to know they knew we were afraid and it was said mockingly. I don't know if this really was just some guy in a weird get up just going around and terrorizing random people's properties or if it really was something else. I have no clue, but I never want to go back out there to find out." TY

NOTE: This location is near the Uintah Reservation, the Uintah Basin and Skinwalker Ranch. Did these guys encounter an actual Skinwalker or another unexplained entity? Lon


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Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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from Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

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