Sunday 4 October 2020

Bigfoot Was Spotted on 'Little People, Big World's' Family Farm! - The Blast

"On the property of one of the biggest reality stars on the planet...and they have pictures," according to Mike Walters. Just don't hold your breath, true believers, since these munchkins are trying to drum up business for the season. A little more believable is Brian Entin's coverage of a Colony Of Wild Monkeys Living Among The Human Population In A South Florida City. Who doesn't love vervet monkeys? Who doesn't love Florida? Put them together and you have a rambunctious story guaranteed to appeal to every online demographic! And finally, sadly, Sasquatch Tour Founder Bill Miller, 62, Dies. In 2003, Miller said he caught a glimpse of the elusive creature while scouting regions in British Columbia. Miller was the driving force behind openingĂ‚ the new Harrison Sasquatch Museum in 2018. (CS)

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