Friday 23 October 2020

Are Aliens Carefully and Quietly Inserting Themselves Into Our Society? - Mysterious Universe

Nick Redfern examines one of the most contentious issues in ufology. Here he presents a reader's theory of MIB, WIB, and BEC "interaction testing-cases." In More on Alien Infiltration -- and Creepy Control Too Nick explicates the woman's ideas about the hold "Space Brothers and Sisters" supposedly exerted on the 1950s and 1960s contactees. Nick's capstone piece is Alien Abductees and Stockholm Syndrome: Under the Thumbs of the E.T.s? The focus is on how their experiences alter the lives of abductees, often in what would be construed as positive directions. But the Ultimate Purpose of such a postulated infiltration and control program--and the numerous cases where abductees are decided victims of that process--must also be considered. (WM)

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