Tuesday 22 September 2020

More on the Matter of UFOs and Drugs: Simulating Flying Saucers - Mysterious Universe

First up: Nick Redfern makes strong contentions about several hallmark Close Encounter cases in which the "Other" was not ETs. Leading the cavalcade are the outstandingly strange, confusing, and sad events that happened to Gerry Irwin, as presented in David Booher's No Return: The Gerry Irwin Story, UFO Abduction or Covert Operation?, published by Anomalist Books. And in More on Strange Creatures and the UFO Connection. Nick cites several examples supporting the idea that "Cryptozoology and Ufology are somehow interlinked." So too, ufology and surveillance seem related at times--thus Nick's warning to UFO Researchers: What Can Happen When You Go Looking for Secrets. Odd stuff isn't just what ufologists investigate; sometimes it's what happens to them. Nick's concluding assertion is UFOs, the Occult, the Paranormal and the Supernatural: All Connected. The four topic areas are at least united in "Weird." (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/33KE5Us

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