Thursday 24 September 2020

Firsthand UFO Witness Accounts in UK, Ontario and Oklahoma

3 UFO witness recount their firsthand experiences in the UK, Ontario and Oklahoma.

Here are a few recently received firsthand UFO encounter reports:

“I have only seen two UFOs in my life and one of them looked like this one (a diamond shaped craft). I was walking home in the west end of Toronto and I saw a diamond shaped craft spinning in the distance. Aside from the spinning motion, it remained in the same space in the sky. This took place in the fall around 4:30 PM in 1980. I watched the UFO for about 20 minutes and it was still there when I went in. It was pretty cool.” S


“I saw this (a UFO) in the late 1980s, just east of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It flew alongside our car as we went down the highway. When we got off the highway, it turned and followed us down the road. We finally stopped and got out to see, and it flew directly over the car. No sound, no nothing and it was LOW to the ground.” MC


"I was born in 1978, Bournemouth, England. I will do this chronologically, as I stated in my initial email I don't believe in ghosts, but at the age of about 7 I had a friend stay over. We had bunk beds, I was on the bottom a friend was on the top. I woke and saw a green misty ball, circular but no defining edges slightly transparent in front of my wardrobe. I woke my friend and they saw it for a short while as well. For some reason we were not scared and never told anyone, though I did recently ask said friend about it and they do have a vague recollection of it.

Then we moved and I guess I was about 12 and my mother bought me one of those old radio alarm clocks that have the red numbers. It was placed on top of my old style TV on a chest of draws and I went to sleep. I don't remember what time I woke up but I stirred and looked in the direction of the TV and clock and there was a white mist that resembled a woman head to foot in white. I immediately went under my blanket head covered frozen in fear. I'm not sure for how long but did eventually go back to sleep. Now I mention the alarm clock as it was a radio alarm clock, the type that had the little black wire for a antennae which was all looped with a cord tie type thing. When I put it on the TV I had no interest on the radio function. I had an old cabinet stereo, the ones with a glass door. But the next morning I went to the TV and clock and the black wire was unravelled. I know I didn't do it. I asked my mother and she also said she didn't. still bothers me now at 42 as I don't believe in ghosts.

Now I'm about 13 and me and friends are out in the common (not sure what you call it in America sorry). We spotted a few lights in the sky and after looking I could tell they were close to us. There was one bright white light, no flashes of other colours, etc.  The other object was easy to tell as a helicopter. The helicopter flew right up to the other light and then backed away. No idea what it was but from a young age I had a real interest in planes, etc and knew straight away that was against flight regulations.

The next one was about 2011 winter. By this point I'm a smoker and smoke outdoors. I was working nights at this point but it was my night off so I'm out at all hours smoking. I'd say it was about 3 am and I'm outside having a smoke and I just felt something above me. I looked up and it was a dark mass very slowly going over my head. I could tell it was low as the way it blocked the stars and then they would reappear, a bit like parallax. I want to say triangular but to be honest I could not tell.

Next one really freaked me out as I'd heard of the phenomenon. It was 2017, again out late about 12 pm having a smoke and I see 3 very bright lights in the lower sky not moving. I've always been a lover of the night sky, so I know Venus from Uranus, they were just as bright as Venus if not brighter. I suffered the same fate as many have. I thought about my camera but was just transfixed. I did the parallax check by walking up and down a bit, and these lights were closer than stars or the moon. Then one by one they just went out slowly dimming to nothing. On this occasion I spotted a plane near to where I saw these objects, checked flight radar and tracked the plane to my local airport. I sent an email asking if anything had been reported by the pilots and the reply was no. I do have that reply, but it's a bit ambiguous and for some reason can't find my sent email, but have emailed them again as I had a case number.

The last one. This one is simple. Last year again having a smoke I saw something cover the sky from horizon to roof top silent in about 5 seconds, shape could have been triangular but can't be sure. All I know it was going fast and it was no meteorite or similar. Also, I've seen 2 fireballs as well, amazing when they light up pitch black." MF


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'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube uploads are being moved to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

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'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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from Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

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