Wednesday 23 September 2020

Egypt Tomb: Sarcophagi Buried for 2,500 Years Unearthed in Saqqara - BBC

A stunning just-announced discovery promises to rivet the attention of the Egyptological world. A cache--"one of the largest of its kind"--of well-preserved and apparently completely intact coffins has been discovered at the Saqqara necropolis, near Cairo. A press conference is planned "in the coming days." There are also Big Plans behind the announcement about Mysterious Petroglyphs Found on Alien Mountain in Sri Lanka. Paul Seaburn relays the story of the discovery and suggestions for its promotion in "Geo tourism, Astro tourism, Archeo tourism and Adventure tourism." How "Alien Mountain" got its name is unclear, but the petroglyphs are most probably the doings of Neolithic people, not ETs. Something far more recent is probably behind the 'Unidentified Forest Object' Found in Polish Wilderness. Tim Binnall asks readers to share their identifications at the C2C Facebook page. (WM)

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