Saturday 11 July 2020

The COVID-19 Crop Circle - Crop Circle Connector

Are our space sibings sending a message, or are artsy types who work in cereal catching the zeitgeist of pandemic Earth? There's quite a bit of analysis of this fun new glyph from Jerry Kroth, and you might learn a thing or two. What does it all mean? Crop Circle Season Is Beginning Around The World and George Knapp and Duncan Phenix have more than you want to know about the enduring phenomenon of agriglyphs. And what is an agriglyph anyway? A sigil. And what's a sigil? Naught but the manifestation of Will in written form, which is a kind of magick of which EsoterX is intimate with after a few shots of twelve year old scotch. While COVID-19 is relatively new, malaria had its own sorcerous cure which is part of Pandemic Magic outlined in this brief history of abracadabra! While it may be the reward of Ra Hoor Khut, this invocation, among others, has proven more potent and resilient in the face of any malady than knocking back a shot of bleach. (CS)

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