Monday 6 July 2020

Summa Faeryologica, Pt 2 - The Big Study

The Professor moves further towards completing his major study on Matters Faery. Readers will remember Dr. Swords' Pt 1 had arrived at several conclusions and further questions from his study of over 1,000 Faery reports. Conclusions: a legitimate "faery anomaly" is supported, and it's somehow "outside the mere images in the human reporters' minds." The major remaining question is "what the deeper agency is which lies underneath these encounters," but The Professor now in Pt 2 tackles some sub-questions that may shed light on the last biggie. Size, Dress, Types of interactions with humans, and "Are fairies nice?" are considered. Summa Faeryologica, Pt 3 delves "a little more deeply into this mystery." Swords differs from some others upon whether the phenomenon has changed through time. He also opines upon satyrs/fauns, fairies with wings, and giants. Lastly, The Professor tantalizes us with the next set of questions he'll cover, and even more topics that get at that fundamental "deeper agency" beneath faery encounters. It would be interesting to get The Professor's "take" on the possible relationship of "classic" faery experiences with those elucidated in Neil Rushton's Faerie Entities and DMT. Rushton compares and contrasts psychotropically induced entity narratives with those of Faery, concluding that while many differences exist, "there are also enough similarities for us to ask the question about the phenomenological correspondence." (WM)

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