Friday, 31 July 2020

Scotland’s Most Haunted Neighbourhood? 60 Years After Eerie Encounter Sauchie’s Park Crescent Still Goes Bump in the...

"The Sauchie Poltergeist is up there with the Enfield and Pontefract poltergeists," says Malcom Robinson, author of a book on the subject. Park Crescent in the Scottish town of Sauchie (pronounced "Sockey") has a history of perplexing paranormal events occurring in some of its houses and several "credible witnesses" support the claims of its residents. Much further south, we learn that a 'Big cat sighting' in West Sussex was actually a large stuffed toy on a park bench, police say and that furry toys have been the cause of other big cat tales, too. Far less whimsical is the report of a Possible Cattle Mutilation Reported in England. In the Yorkshire town of Todmorden, a calf has been found bearing the "classic signs" of the phenomenon so well known in the US. Let's hope it's a one-off. The town also happens to be where, in 1980, a fellow by the name of Adamski--Zigmund Adamskii--was found dead in circumstances which suggested alien abduction. The case remains unsolved. (LP)

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