Monday 13 July 2020

"Rebel without a Cause" and the Flying Saucers: On Seeing v. Believing in Midcentury America - Jason Colavitos Blog

Most of this remarkable essay is a deep analysis of how a very much misunderstood classic Hollywood movie finally came to be recognized--still only "sort of"--for what it portrayed. Jason Colavito's inaugural "Long Form" series offering will be a tough act for him to follow. It makes solid points about how changing mores in society shaped the movie's near-total perception and discussion. Jason's application to the UFO problem will not persuade so many readers, but the result is interesting. One might have only wished for some treatment of the "memorable part" the character Marietta Canty played as the maid of Sal Mineo's family in the movie, and what this says about African-American stereotypes in the '50s. (WM)

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