Saturday 18 July 2020

Prosecutors Say Avalanche Killed Dyatlov Group In Urals In 1959 - TASS

So much for that yeti documentary, if one's to believe Andrei Kuryakov and his henchmen. The explanation of the circumstances and injuries appear consistent, not to mention other theories that don't involve forteana, which eluded this particular Anomalist contributor. Maybe it was lost in translation? This is why we share this kind of stories, shouting 'em from our mountaintop much like the Mystery Behind Strange Sounds Coming From A Mountain In China. Haven't you heard? If not, Dheeshma Puzhakkal has a much-needed fact check on the details behind this recent phenomenon leading to locals whispering about an awakening dragon. Meanwhile in these locked down United States, Tobias Wayland shares one of his Reports From The Void where an anonymous correspondent insists, "I've Heard The Same Screams." Considering the mounds of evidence and reliable sources, we'd like you to know about some New Jersey swampland that is ripe for development. Cheap. (CS)

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