A recent genomic investigation not only puts another stake in the heart of European colonialism as the first influence since the initial peopling on the Native American heritage, it also "shakes up the most popular model of where Native American genes first took root in Polynesia." Lizzie Wade explains the import of this "excellent, exciting study." But it's a giant leap beyond for another popular idea, as Jason Colavito says
The Ireland-as-Atlantis Crew Are Back, Now with Alleged Egyptian "Evidence." Jason's arguments sadly outweigh this son of Eire's nationalistic pride regarding such a connection. And if that's not weird enough, Jason then reports
Bruce Fenton Thinks Aboriginal Australians Have Sacred Alien A.I. Probes. It's not Polynesian or Irish, but "alien" signals in our DNA that Fenton would like to find. Jason argues Fenton's apparent illogic of ETs doing slight tinkering with the genome versus a far-less time-consuming overhaul. An
Ice Age Mining Camp Found 'Frozen in Time' in Underwater Mexican Cave is altering what's accepted about early human groups in the Americas' engagement "in complex activities that went much beyond their own survival," "intergenerational knowledge being passed down," and maybe even "bug repellant"! Laura Geggel's article also boasts an absolutely stunning and informative video, and provides an excellent example of archaeological cooperation. (WM)
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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3ej3cB4
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