Sunday 12 July 2020

Cause Or Effect Of 2020 Problems? Earth's Poles Are Shifting 10 Times Faster Than Expected - Mysterious Universe

Dear univese, we know humanity has its foibles but maybe stop making stuff like this happen even though Paul Seaburn needs to buy groceries? But with a pandemic and a looming pole shift, nobody's going to need to buy groceries for much longer. While under lockdown, Chris Davies and Catherine Constable have been hard at work sussing out the unknown variables of the dreaded pole shift and why our planet remains in a state of flĂ…­. While 'Spooky' Quantum Movements Seen Happening To Large Objects may not be sign of the end times but harnessing quantum noise to affect macroscale objects is remarkable according to Andrew Griffin! And it's all thanks to the same science which detected gravitational waves. A little too staid and greyface-y for you, true believer? Look no further than Alex Tsakiris calling out Rick DeLano's Terrific Quantum Science Film Tainted by Catholic Nonsense. As usual addressing these topics can be complex, which always makes for great listening especially when Alex is on a tear. (CS)

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