Saturday 11 July 2020

Calvin Parker — Second Interview - A Different Perspective

Pascagoula abductee Calvin Parker returns for another chat with Kevin Randle, a propos Calvin's new book Pascagoula - The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses. Kevin and Calvin discuss the local folks who've come forward corroborating Calvin's 1973 encounter, and Calvin describes a much later experience that may be connected to the event he shared with Charles Hickson. Brent Swancer sets the stage for Kevin's next contribution with The Mysterious UFOs of Levelland, Texas. Brent sketches out the particulars and mentions 17 different reports for the September 1957 events, while the Air Force Record Card lists just six observers. The exact number of witnesses may never be ascertained, but Kevin Randle has tackled the question and has qualms about one Frank Williams and Levelland. Kevin feels only vindication regarding another kind of witness to another mysterious happening--Roswell--as The General Exon Quotes... Again illustrates. (WM)

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