Thursday 9 July 2020

Another Hat in the Ring - Herald Tribune

History's Unidentified, Season 2, starts up this Saturday. We learn this as Billy Cox introduces us to a former Air Force aviator whose non-combat sighting may be featured in the premiere episode. Larry "Kimo" Rider's huge triangle story apparently will be one of many such accounts, as the trailer says "Now, the floodgates have opened." Danny Silva may be giddily jumping the gun with Senator Mellon, Representative Elizondo? UFO "czar" surely, but a lot more is going on in this country and world besides UFOs. Greg Haas nearly pens an encomium honoring a remarkable individual in Deep Pockets, Dreams of Space: Robert Bigelow is in a Class of His Own. The article features six Bigelow-related videos, plus a timeline and links to additional articles, ending for the present with the layoff of the entire Bigelow Aerospace staff in late March. (WM)

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