Friday 17 July 2020

Aliens, Insects and Arachnids: A Menagerie of Strange Creatures - Mysterious Universe

This headliner in a "potpourri" of worthy but disparate posts immediately drew attention. And Nick Redfern's stories are far beyond creepy. In one of Nick's tales "Danielle B." mistook a flying monster for a helicopter; Matt DiNardo tells us about WiFi Balloons Mistaken for UFOs. His article not only explains the "Loon" balloon project, it also includes a link to a very cool tracking site. But a UFO Filmed Flying Through Clouds Over Detroit, Michigan doesn't have such an easy explanation. The two videos are rather interesting. Then there's another story of a "helicopter" that wasn't, but The Boyle Incident was far more widely reported than Danielle B.'s sole encounter, and produced what Fortean Ireland siteminder Shane Cochrane calls "the closest thing Ireland has had to a 'Roswell Incident.'" (WM)

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