Tuesday 19 May 2020

On the Waterfront: The Legendary Lake Ontario Sea Serpent - Oswego County News Now

Sailors have reported seeing a creature in Lake Ontario for centuries. Some describe it as long as a yacht with a “large red and venomous looking tongue,� while others report a 10-foot, snake-like creature. Officials for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation say they are not aware of any such reports but venture these accounts are most likely due to large lake sturgeon. Far more convincing are some of the accounts from the lower eastern seaboard, Florida, and the Caribbean related in an interview on Sea Serpent Territory with Dave Goudsward. You can skip the radio BS and go directly to the heart of the interview at about 73 minutes in. Dave, a New Englander now transplanted in Florida, is the author of the delightful new work entitled Sun, Sad, and Sea Serpents, published by Anomalist Books. Since Amazon can't seem to offer the book except through third party sellers, we recommend you buy a copy of the book from the International Cryptozoology Museum, where Dave's book is autographed by both Dave and Loren Coleman, who wrote the foreword. Your purchase supports the museum at the same time. (PH)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/2zdwzWL

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