Wednesday 13 May 2020

Here Are The Detailed "UFO" Incident Reports From Navy Pilots Flying Off The East Coast - The Drive

The War Zone reporters have obtained eight previously unavailable hazard reports recording encounters of Naval aviators with unidentified objects off the U.S. East Coast between 2013 and last year. The data will no doubt be a buzzkill to ET advocates, but they may indicate an even greater danger to U.S. aircrews. Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick tease out the facts, do some learned speculation, and promise more in an upcoming piece. Rogoway and Trevithick raise the possibility of an unfriendly source monitoring US military maneuvers; similarly The Anomalist's Chris Savia reported on a much speedier unknown in 2016 with Jersey Shore Boom Rattles Residents. The reports Rogoway and Trevithick received also do not speak to the 2015 encounters memorialized in the GIMBAL and GOFAST videos recently "officially released" but in the public eye since late 2017 and early 2018. But Forbes Aerospace & Defense Contributor David Hambling thinks he may have "a clue" about the F/A-18 videoed sightings. Hambling's title U.S. Navy Laser Creates Plasma 'UFOs' rather gives away his explanation for what could be behind those encounters. Hambling admits it's unlikely the videos image a Pentagon secret weapon, and it seems difficult to believe "other nations" would so blatantly advertise their really exotic stuff on our doorstep. But at least this seems an explanation for the Core Mystery that can be evaluated by engineers for its credibility. (WM)

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