Wednesday 20 May 2020

Eric Wargo--One More Time - UFO Conjectures

Rich Reynolds launches some far-ranging UFO Conjectures by recommending the author of Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious, published by Anomalist Books. But Rich also highlights Eric Wargo's website, whose postings are "erudite, longish, detailed, and sourced." Rich also credits Isaac Koi with an intriguing post about an Air Force "Bagged" Flying Saucer. Rich finds that term "bagged" potentially meaningful, both for the supposed saucer's point of origin and thus for the possibility of it being "reverse-engineered." While Rich allows "It's just a science-fictional conjecture," in A Note about Roswell...Really? Rich "runs with" the date of the "bagging" article and "A Facebook posting adjacent to the one by Isaac Koi" to suggest a possibility that frankly scares him. Whether the "little grey beings" of Roswell lore would qualify, Rich elsewhere ponders whether Creatures with Instinct, Only, May be Rummaging the Galaxy, doing their "hive-entity jobs" almost by rote. (WM)

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