Sunday 17 May 2020

Does Anybody Care about UFOs Anymore? - Task and Purpose

Did you hear those two "dull thuds" recently? Those were from the public reaction to April's "official release" of three Naval F/A-18 UFO videos, and this month's publication of eight more reports of close encounters between Naval aerial assets and unknowns. Task and Purpose's Jeff Schogol remarks this lack of response, acknowledging the COVID-19 backdrop that has taken over Center Stage. Also of course, the three videos have kicked around in public for two years, and the recent report octet seems to scream nothing more than Someone Else's Drones (and a weather balloon). But all present possible dangers to our air crews, and defense reporter Schogol quotes Danny Silva's assertion "The United States does not have full control of our airspace that it claims to." This will remain a concern even after the COVID-19 pandemic is hopefully behind us or we have learned to live with (and die from) it. And Schogol's article also notes positive impacts from the publicity. (WM)

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