Tuesday 19 May 2020

Are Ghosts Haunting the British Museum? - 1843 Magazine

The short answer to that question is yes. Perhaps the more relevant question is "Why?" This article poses two possibilities we aren't likely to think of on our own. The first is a need to repatriate the haunted items back to their countries of origin where they may have been obtained by less than honorable means. The second suggests that some items do not fit in at what is currently their museum home--a paranormal case of one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other. But while the security guards at the British Museum have developed a pragmatic approach to their spectral associates, others faced with a similar situation aren't coping as well. Quarantining With A Ghost? It̢۪s Scary. The question that remains unanswered in these cases is also "Why?" Has the intense focus on a negative event like a pandemic brought out the poltergeists that were once dormant in our lives? Is our hypervigilance during lockdown making us notice too many earthly anomalies about where we live? Or have we always lived in haunted houses but were too busy going to work to be witness to spooky goings on? Whatever the answer, keep in mind that Ghosts are Stupid : Don't Listen to Their Nonsense. Unfinished business? That's the spook's own leftover attachment to the physical world. And don't try sending them to the light because that's part of their personal spiritual evolution. In other words, don't be ghostly enablers unless you want your ethereal visitors to be the houseguests that never leave. (CM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/2XpXrez

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