This "Rich Reynoldsfest" begins with a slightly hotter than lukewarm review of the closing stanza of the
History/Tom DeLonge group
TTSA collaboration's first episode. Commenters have clear issues with the episode's main "wow" factor, and one says that "As with everything else in ufology all you have to do is follow the money." Rich catches onto this catch-phrase, asking
Follow the Money? Thanks go to Rich for pointing out the absurdities of this vacuous, insulting, and ignorant general statement. Something one might hear from a "pelicanist," as Rich presents in
Pelicans AGAIN? But there's more to the word, and questions can be entertained about the iconic sighting that hatched it, as Rich points out. Some Commenters are still on the "money" angle with respect to witness Kenneth Arnold, but there's an interesting back-and-forth on the migratory habits and numbers of pelicans! Well, is such an ornithological examination merely
Gilding the UFO Lily? Not so, Rich would argue; it's rather that studying the UFO subject by dint of its relationship to philosophy and social patterns is scholarly fun but not really as important as whether, for instance, those objects Kenneth Arnold saw were indeed avians or "true" UFOs. (WM)
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