Friday, 28 June 2019

Baffling 3,000-year-old Out of Place Mace Head Found in Poland - Ancient Origins

Hope the owner isn't still looking for this apparently Middle Eastern Bronze Age artifact. Ed Whelan's article doesn't mention whether this single "sport" came from a stratified deposit, but based on the fact the amateur archaeologists were looking for World War II vintage stuff, it could really have been deposited anywhen in the last 30 centuries. It sure gets one thinking, though. And if that doesn't set the mind to working, how about A Mysterious Vanishing Village in China? Brent Swancer has a through-and-through bizarre tale of a much more recent mystery whose details just get stranger and stranger. It's almost a relief to read that the First People of Australia Migrated Using "Sophisticated Technological Knowledge" Of Sea Travel. Greg Taylor republishes a The Conversation article with fact-based speculation about a very interesting question in human prehistory. (WM)

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