Don't expect to see much soon, or maybe at all, from the Navy's newly formalized process for investigating UFOs. Such is the takeaway from Paul Sonne's
Washington Post article on the recent Naval announcement on its approach to anomalous reports from its air crews. But what about the stuff that
has been released of late, namely the three ATFLIR videos taken by F/A-18s in 2004 and 2015? Jack Brewer says that the
DoD Contradicts Knapp Story on TTSA Vids. Brewer contests the claim KLAS-TV reporter George Knapp made in an April 29 post that the videos were approved for public release. Brewer cites some items regarding the release form that are inconvenient to Knapp's assertions. Alejandro Rojas takes the exact opposite tack on this matter, saying the
DoD Confirms They Released Navy F-18 FLIR UFO Videos. Brewer and Rojas do seem to be arguing both nuance and at cross purposes, as well as charging serious mendacity. What this takes us away from, of course, is the acknowledgement that the three videos are legitimate, have been "scrubbed" to varying degrees, and that according to Luis Elizondo were analyzed by the intelligence community with apparently no identification before their release, however it transpired. (WM)
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