Thursday, 4 April 2019

Rich Hoffman -- The Scientific Coalition for Ufology - Radio Misterioso

Scientific Coalition for Ufology Executive Board Member Rich Hoffman and Greg Bishop discuss the SCU, its first Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena, and other things ufological in a fascinating and ultimately hopeful dialogue. Hoffman, an Information Technology contractor working at the US Army Materiel Command HQ at Redstone Arsenal, was a main force behind the hugely successful March 15-17 Huntsville, Alabama meeting. Hoffman discusses the conference and the ultimate choice of former Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program head Luis Elizondo as keynote speaker; why Rich and others left their positions with the Mutual UFO Network; the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, video; and especially the presentations made at the conference. While some of the same material is mined during the Paracast's Richard Hoffman interview, Gene Steinberg and J. Randall Murphy ask some different questions as well as elicit more insights on topics covered through Greg: Rich's stories about how he got involved with UFOs in the first place; of his first, only, and "non-UFO sighting" happened; of a Hessdalen-like case he's now studying; and strong hints about another naval UFO case make this offering also worth hearing. Danny Silva picks up on a theme most recently touched upon both by Rich Hoffman and the SCU conference in UFOs in Water: USOs. Silva's highly illustrated article chronicles USOs with reference to the Aguadilla, Nimitz, and other cases, even reaching back into antiquity for creation stories as backdrop to the modern puzzles. (WM)

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